Royal Gorge also known as Grand canyon of Arkansas is located south of Denver, the capital city of
Colorado, USA .Canon City is the gateway to the Royal Gorge region, Colorado's most popular
tourist area. The name Colorado is of Spanish origin, meaning "colored red "which was originally
applied to the Colorado river by Spanish people because of the red sandstone soil of the region.
Colorado has 25 nationally designated Scenic & Historic Byways, and a number of mind-blowing
Colorado, USA .Canon City is the gateway to the Royal Gorge region, Colorado's most popular
tourist area. The name Colorado is of Spanish origin, meaning "colored red "which was originally
applied to the Colorado river by Spanish people because of the red sandstone soil of the region.
Colorado has 25 nationally designated Scenic & Historic Byways, and a number of mind-blowing
drives. The region has a diverse geography, ranging from alpine mountains, arid plains, deserts with
huge sand dunes, deep canyons, sandstone and granite rock formations, rivers, lakes, and lush forests.
huge sand dunes, deep canyons, sandstone and granite rock formations, rivers, lakes, and lush forests.
Many of the sceneries that are photographed in this colorful state looks like an oil painting by mother
earth. Colorado is the only state in USA that entirely lies 1000 meters above sea level. The mountain
range of southern Rocky mountains called Front Range covers Western Colorado while eastern
Colorado is a part of the Great Plains . The Continental Divide runs north-south along the Rocky
Mountains in Colorado.
Lt Zebulon M Pike, whose name adorns Pike's Peak, and his men were the first American explorers
to view this Arkansas river canyon now known as Royal gorge in the year 1806. Royal Gorge park
is situated at an elevation of 6626 feet.This scenic and dramatic area has a place in the National
Register of historic places.
It is said that about 3 million years ago as the Rocky Mountains rose from the surrounding plains,
a small rivulet that would become the Arkansas River rose with them. Over the millennia, it cut a
deep channel for itself through the surrounding granite, at a rate of about one foot every 2,500 years!
The Gorge began to form when trickles of water slowly began to carve a canyon out of the solid
granite bedrock of the Rocky Mountains. Geologists believe that this deep and unusually narrow
canyon has been formed by the incessant grinding of pebbles and sand grains against the river bed
as they are carried along by the stream. The gorge's peculiar shape, contrasted to broad canyons
such as the Grand Canyon, can be attributed to this long, direct erosion through hard rock.
granite bedrock of the Rocky Mountains. Geologists believe that this deep and unusually narrow
canyon has been formed by the incessant grinding of pebbles and sand grains against the river bed
as they are carried along by the stream. The gorge's peculiar shape, contrasted to broad canyons
such as the Grand Canyon, can be attributed to this long, direct erosion through hard rock.
Royal Gorge Bridge is a one-lane wood-decked bridge with more than a quarter-mile (1260ft) length
and hangs 1,053 feet above the Arkansas River .This engineering feat constructed in 1929 is one of
the highest suspension bridges in the world and is owned by the City of Canon City .
The bridge sways in the wind along with the flags of every states attached to it. Royal Gorge
Bridge is 880 feet high and 18 feet wide and is suspended from towers that are 150 feet high.
One can walk or take a Segway tour, bike tour or a bus to cover the park.
Constructed in 1931, The Royal Gorge Incline Railway is one of the world's steepest railways. This
is a standing only railway that goes straight down the cliff at a 45 degree angle
The inclined track is a 3ft narrow gauge funicular railway and the ride is offered in small red cages.
It drops you to 1550 feet to the bottom of the gorge in just 5.5 minute .
Originating from Rocky mountain, Arkansas river is a major tributary of Mississippi river. From the
source Lake Itasca, it passes through 10 states and reaches the mouth at Gulf of Mexico. One can
also climb aboard Royal Gorge Railroad to experience the scenic train journey through this
spectacular Royal Gorge. Once at the bottom, you can walk along a fenced walkway, by the river .
The Arkansas river offers a wide variety of activities like fishing, white water rafting and kayaking.

source Lake Itasca, it passes through 10 states and reaches the mouth at Gulf of Mexico. One can
also climb aboard Royal Gorge Railroad to experience the scenic train journey through this
spectacular Royal Gorge. Once at the bottom, you can walk along a fenced walkway, by the river .
The Arkansas river offers a wide variety of activities like fishing, white water rafting and kayaking.
From the bottom you can look up at the bridge, high above you and will see Royal Gorge Bridge so
tiny from below and can’t even see the people or cars crossing it.The natural beauty of the Arkansas
river gorge is spectacular beyond any doubt.
tiny from below and can’t even see the people or cars crossing it.The natural beauty of the Arkansas
river gorge is spectacular beyond any doubt.
Royal Gorge has one of the world's scariest sky coaster. Those who want world class thrill and
experience can try this. Royal Rush Sky coaster sits on the very edge of the gorge, hoist guests up a
100 ft tower and let them swing over a thousand feet in the air in a superman style with nothing
attached to them but a thin cable.This free-fall sweep with a speed of 50 mph, hang you momentarily
over 1,200 feet above the Arkansas River.( not recommended for heart patients ).They also have an
Aerial Tram that takes you across the gorge.
Another adventure is the Soaring Eagle Zipline, the world's highest Zipline. The Eagle flies more
than 1,000 feet above the Arkansas River at 25 miles per hour. Thrill-seekers are strapped into seats,
leaving their arms and legs frighteningly free. The ride consists of two zip lines carrying two riders
each, and will zip 700 feet over canyon walls from 1,000 to 800 feet above the Arkansas River, and
then zip back at approximately 30 miles per hour.( not recommended for heart patients).( no photo)
Royal Gorge Park also has a few assorted animals .This wildlife park has a small herd of buffalo,
elk, bison and bighorn sheep. All the animals miraculously survived the fire that swept through the
park in 2013 . A rare white buffalo named smoky was born in the park after this wild fire .
Big Horn Sheep is a species of sheep found in North America. Bighorn sheep got their name from
the large, curved horns on the males, or rams. Their horns can weigh up to 30 lb (14 kg), while the
sheep themselves weigh up to 300 lb (140 kg). They are legendary for their ability to climb high,
steep and rocky mountain areas.
Female big horn sheep known as Ewes also have horns but small with a slight curvature. In the fall,
the rams compete for ewes by having butting contests. They charge each other at speeds of more than
20 mph, their foreheads crashing with a crack can be heard more than a mile away. These battles
may last as long as 24 hours.
Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep is the state animal of Colorado from 1961 onwards and as such is
incorporated into the symbol for the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.
Bison's are the heaviest land animals in North America (1600kg) and can run 40 miles an hour. This
symbolic animals of the Great Plains, are often mistakenly called buffaloes. Millions of this
formidable beasts once thundered across North America .Habitat loss and unregulated shooting
reduced the population to just 1,091 by 1889. Today, approximately 500,000 bison live across North
America. The calves weigh 40 to 50 pounds at birth.
A wild fire broke out in the park on June 2013 which caused severe damage to many world class
attractions including 48 (out of 52 )buildings,3218 acres of land ,visitor center, Aerial tram and some
damage to the Incline railway. The famous Royal Gorge Bridge suffered minor damage; only 32 of
the planks on the deck were burned .No animals in the park suffered any injury and all survived.
Demolition took almost 5 months and the park is seeking a come back through various measures .
The park is now open for bridge-only guided tours on weekends. Visitors can still enjoy the Royal
Gorge via the Royal Gorge Route Railroad, which remains open.. The park is on the track to open
more buildings and attractions by spring 2015.
Note: Cameras Used :-Canon Power shot A490, Canon Power Shot SD 400
Location From : Denver, Colorado- 127 miles (2.30hr drive)
Colorado Springs- 58 miles (1.27hrs drive)
Pubelo, Colorado- 53 miles (1.8hrs drive)
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Thấy Triệu Quốc Đống và Khúc Vân Phong về, Tương Uẩn Hoa vội vàng nói:
- Tiểu Khúc không sao chứ? Lại đây, ăn bát canh cho ấm bụng. Xem ra Tiểu Khúc uống hơi kém, không uống được thì không cần uống, có ý là đủ rồi.
Khâu Nguyên Phong cố nhịn cơn khó chịu trong lòng rồi ngồi xuống ngây ra đó. Y sợ nói chuyện là phun ra ngoài.
Lúc Triệu Quốc Đống rời đi, Viên Kiến Bân thành người khơi mào cuộc chiến trên bàn. Y lấy hai chén mở đường bắt đầu từ Tương Uẩn Hoa, khiến cho đám người Mã Nguyên không ngừng lắc đầu. Y mời mỗi người đều là hai chén, mà đối phương tùy ý. Điều này làm đám người Tương Uẩn Hoa đành phải uống hết một chén.
Uống hết 12 chén làm mặt Viên Kiến Bân hơi đỏ nên nhưng vẫn tỉnh táo, nói chuyện càng thêm vui vẻ. Nói từ tình hình thủy lợi tỉnh An Nguyên đến chính sách thủy lợi mấy năm tới của Trung ương. Ngay cả Tương Uẩn Hoa và Chu Xuân Tú đều ra vẻ khen ngợi.
Triệu Quốc Đống lại rất trầm tĩnh, ngồi im đó xem Viên Kiến Bân biểu diễn. Viên Kiến Bân này ăn nói cũng giỏi, đưa ra vài vấn đề đều có lý lẽ. Bảo sao tên này nổi tiếng mồm mép ở sở Thủy Lợi.
Khi Viên Kiến Bân đang phát huy tài năng, Triệu Quốc Đống liền mời bàn bên một chén
Bàn bên ngoài lái xe của Ban Tổ chức cán bộ Tỉnh ủy thì chỉ có bốn cán bộ của văn phòng Thị ủy và Ban Tổ chức cán bộ Thị ủy. Một vị Trưởng phòng của Ban Tổ chức cán bộ, còn một vị là Phó chánh văn phòng Thị ủy. Hai người khác là cán bộ bình thường.