Friday, March 13, 2015


States Parks are protected areas having natural beauty, historical interest or recreational potential.
In USA, there are around 59 National Park and 6624 state parks. State parks are administered
by states while National parks comes under the direct control of federal government.
In Missouri there are 87 state park and historic sites covering an area of 200000 acres.
Established in 1967,Rock Bridge Memorial State Park is located in Boon County, Columbia.
The park has a karst topography with rock bridges, underground streams and sink holes.
Karst is a landscape formed by chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks.
The park offers several trails for hiking and bicycling in a  wild and scenic environment.
Major trails in the park are spring brook trail, Sinkhole trail, Karst Trail, High Ridge Trail,
Grassland  trail,  Gans Creek Wild area trail, Deer Run Trail and the Devils Icebox trail. 
Trails are  footpath located in different setting and have different uses. In North America it is
 also applied to routes along rivers and sidewalk on highway. Created in 1968, US National Trail
system include National Scenic trails, Historic trails and recreational trails.The most famous and
longest trail in North America is Appalachian National Scenic Trail and Pacific Crest Trail.
This state park is a great location for hiking ,cycling and horseback riding. Multiday hikes with
 camping is known by different names in different parts of the world.It is called backpacking in North
 America while in other parts of the world it is known as trekking or tramping.One can listen to wood
 peckers and watch wild life along the trails and  know the nature in close proximity.
Rock Bridge Memorial State Park spreads in an area of 2272.83 acres or approximately 5 miles.
 This Park with its  lushly green and vivid vegetation offers a fascinating opportunity for the
visitors  to learn about plants, animals and wild communities  all across the trail.
Native to moist wood lands in eastern parts of North America Jack in the pulpit is a
 poisonous plant .The name Jack refers the central spadix  and pulpit refers the pouch shaped
 sheath like leaf. Overall the plant denote preacher standing in a pulpit (raised platform).
 Jeffereys shooting star is a plant with swept back petals.  This nodding flowers is believed to be
protected by twelve Greek Gods. Hence the name Dodecatheos which means twelve gods. Its
a bewitching sight to watch these wild flowers of the prairies blooming in colonies during spring .
Colorful and attractive wild red columbine can be seen all across this park. This  is a favorite
 flower for humming birds . At the same time this  plant is said to be toxic to wild herbivorous.
This pretty pink wild flower known as Evening Primrose start out as white and become pink when
 grew old. This shell pink flowers blooms in the day and night  and closes on full sun light. Native to
plains, deserts and grass lands of North America this flower  attracts the nocturnal wild.
Blue Eyed Mary is a pretty and tiny bicolor woodland wild flower with a true blue color. It  grows
 in the shady  mountain  and moist forests in western and northern parts of United States.    
  Dancing in the spring breeze, this flower is known as Wild blue phlox or wild sweet William
This is a semi evergreen perennial flower widely seen in the rock bridge state park.
Despite the trails, this park has many caves and creeks. Deer's, beavers and muskrats are seen
along  the secluded woods and grassy openings in the park. If you want   biking, scrambling and
hiking in a scenic and  wild solitude, Rock bridge memorial state park is a good choice.
Other than wild plants and animals, the major attractions in the park include Devils Ice box (a double
 sink hole), Connor's spring ,Natural tunnels, bottom land forests, creeks and hills .
The photos are taken as a part of the half day discovery trail arranged by Runge  conservation
center.It is  a volunteer led program to provide opportunities to people of all ages to explore
 the  best hiking trails of Missouri. The park is a great place to walk around and  has much
 to offer to any nature enthusiast.
 Location:  5901 South Highway 163,
                  Columbia, MO 65203

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